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Console = Nintendo 64
Times Viewed = 174
Author = Neophyte

Star Wars: Episode 1 - Racer

  • Unlock all cheats

    Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRTANGENTABACUS" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Begin a race on any tournament track. Then, pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right to access the cheat menu. All options on the cheat menu will now be unlocked. Jinn Reeso and Cy Yunga will also be unlocked. -From: CheatREF@aol.com

  • Auto pilot

    Enable the "Unlock all cheats" code. Then while playing a game, press R + Z to activate auto pilot, where you only have to control the speed of your pod racer. Press R + Z to disable auto pilot and retain full control of your pod racer. -From: jbrown@bigriver.net and Mista784@aol.com

  • Debug option

    Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRDEBUG" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Begin a race on any tournament track. Then, pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right to access the cheat menu. The debug option may now be enabled on the cheat menu.

  • Debug controls

    Enable the debug option on the cheat menu with the "Debug option" or "Unlock all cheats" code. Next, set the "Debug Level" option on the cheat menu to any number except zero. Then during a race, press one of the following directions on the D-pad to activate the corresponding cheat function. -From: CheatREF@aol.com

    Result Button(s)
    See through walls Left + Z
    Fast-forward level Up
    Re-wind level Down
    Pod racer is invisible Left
    Destroy your pod racer Right

  • Invincibility

    Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRJABBA" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Begin a race on any tournament track. Then, pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right to access the cheat menu. The invincibility option may now be enabled on the cheat menu. Note: Your pod can still be destroyed by falling off cliffs. -From: Myztik777@aol.com and dhaner@earthlink.net

  • Mirror mode

    Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRTHEBEAST" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Begin a race on any tournament track. Then, pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right to access the cheat menu. The mirrored tracks option may now be enabled on the cheat menu. -From: dhaner@earthlink.net

  • Play as Jinn Reeso

    Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRJINNRE" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. -From: dhaner@earthlink.net

  • Play as Cy Yunga

    Note: Bullseye Navior must be unlocked by successfully completing certain tracks before using this code. Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRCYYUN" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Select any other file with Bullseye Navior and he will be replaced with the bonus pilot. -From: widney@phnx.uswest.net

  • Dual control option

    Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter "RRDUAL" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. After entering each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, highlight "End" and press L followed by A. With this option, plug controller one into port one and controller two into port three to play the game with two controllers. -From: dhaner@earthlink.net

  • Taunt opponent

    Select tournament mode. Then at the menu screen, highlight "Start Race", hold Z and press A to begin a race. Then an intermission that features your character and opponent taunting each other will appear. Press R(2) during the race for more taunts. -From: asubhuman@hotmail.com

  • Quick start

    Just as the number one disappears, press A for a quick start.

  • Bonus characters

    Finish first place on the indicated track and circuit to unlock the corresponding racer:

    Racer Track/Circuit
    Sebulba Boonta Classic/Galactic
    Aldar Beedo Beedo's Wild Ride/Amateur
    Ratts Tyerell Howler Gorge/Semi-pro
    Mawhonic Andobi Mountain Run/Galactic
    Slide Paramita AP Centrum/Invitational
    Clegg Holdfast Aquilaris Classic/Amateur
    Bullseye Navior Sunken City/Semi-pro
    Ark Bumpy Roose Bumpy's Breakers/Semi-pro
    Wan Sandage Scrapper's Run/Semi-pro
    Bozzie Baranta Abyss/Invitational
    Neva Kee Baroo Coast/Semi-pro
    Ben Quadinaros Inferno/Invitational
    Teemto Pagalies Mon Gazza Speedway/Amateur
    Mars Guo Spice Mine Run/Amateur
    Boles Roor Zugga Challenge/Semi-pro
    Fud Sang Vengeance/Amateur
    Toy Dampner Executioner/Galactic

  • Script From David Cole
    CheatsNetwork coded by David Cole




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