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Console = Dreamcast
Times Viewed = 152
Author = Neophyte

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

  • Cheat mode

    Pause the game, then hold L and press B, Right, Up, Down, B, Right, Up, X, Y to unlock all levels, FMV sequences, tapes, full stats, and Officer Dick. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Level select

    Pause the game, then hold L and press Y, Right, Up, X, Y, Left, Up, X, Y. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Special meter always full

    Pause the game, then hold L and press A, Y, B, Down, Up, Right. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Raise stats to 10

    Pause the game, then hold L and press X, Y, Up, Down to raise your skater's attributes to 10. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Raise stats to 13

    Pause the game, then hold L and press A, X(2), Y, Up, Down to raise your skater's attributes to 13. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Big head mode

    Pause the game, then hold L and press A, B, Up, Left, A, B, Up, Left. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Then, quit the current level and start another game for your skater to have a big head. Alternately, pause the game, then hold L and press X, B, Up, Left(2).

  • Slow-motion mode

    Pause the game, then hold L and press B, Right, Up, Down, B, Right, Up, X, Y. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Alternately, pause the game, then hold L and press X, Left, Up, X, Left.

  • Turbo mode

    Pause the game, then hold L and press [X, Left, Up, X, Left] two times. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Random start locations

    Pause the game, then hold L and press X, B, A, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake.

  • Play as Private Carrera

    Start a game in any mode with Officer Dick. Pause the game, then hold L and press Y, Up, Y, Up, B, Up, Left, Y. The screen will not shake. Exit the game and return to the character selection screen. Private Carrera will appear in place of Officer Dick. This character has full stats and great specials.

  • View character's ending sequence

    Use a character to get the gold in all three competitions. Then, select the "View Replay" option to view that skater's ending sequence.

  • Neversoft Bails FMV sequence

    Unlock Officer Dick as a playable character, then use him to get the gold in all three competitions. The Neversoft Bails FMV features the game's developers trying to skate.

  • Play as Officer Dick

    Collect all thirty tapes with any character in career mode to unlock Officer Dick as a playable character.

  • Special moves

    All of the following moves are performed when your character's special meter is flashing yellow:

  • Andrew Reynolds

      Press Up, Down, B.

      Heelflip Bluntslide

      Press Down, Down, Y.

      Triple Kickflip

      Press Left, Left, X.

    Bob Burnquist
      One Footed Smith

      Press Right, Right, Y.


      Press Up, Down, B.


      Press Left, Up + Y.

    Bucky Lasek
      Fingerflip Airwalk

      Press Left, Right, B.

      Varial Heelflip Judo

      Press Down, Up, X.

      Kickflip McTwist

      Press Right, Right, B.

    Chad Muska

      Press Down, Up, B.

      360 Shove-It Rewind

      Press Right, Right, X.

      One Footed 5-0 Thumpin'

      Press Right, Down, Y.

    Elissa Steamer

      Press Up, Down, B.

      Judo Madonna

      Press Left, Down, B.

      Primo Grind

      Press Left, Left, Y.

    Geoff Rowley
      Darkside Grind

      Press Left, Right, Y.


      Press Up, Down, B.

      Double Hardflip

      Press Right, Down, X.

    Jamie Thomas

      Press Down, Up, B.

      540 Flip

      Press Left, Down, X.

      One Footed Nosegrind

      Press Up, Up, Y.

    Kareem Campbell

      Press Down, Up, B.

      Kickflip Underflip

      Press Left, Right, X.

      Casper Slide

      Press Up, Down, Y.

    Officer Dick
      Yeeeehaw Frontflip

      Press Down, Up, B.

      Assume The Position

      Press Left, Left, B.

      Neckbreak Grind

      Press Left, Right, Y.

    Private Carrera
      The Well Hardflip

      Press Right, Left, X.

      Somi Spin

      Press Left, Down, B.


      Press Left, Up + Y.

    Rune Glifberg
      Kickflip McTwist

      Press Right, Right, B.

      Christ Air

      Press Left, Right, B.

      Front Back Kickflip

      Press Up, Down, X.

    Tony Hawk
      360 Flip To Mute

      Press Down, Right, X.

      540 Board Varial

      Press Left, Left, X.

      Kickflip McTwist

      Press Right, Right, B.

      The 900

      Get a lot of air and press Right, Down, B.

    Script From David Cole
    CheatsNetwork coded by David Cole




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